YOUNGSTERS went to the polls to vote in their school elections.

Pupils at Thundersley Primary School elected the school council after listening to presentations from candidates across the school.

The victorious youngsters will be told next week when they return from half-term.

Teacher Anne Hoeb said: “The elections mirrored real-life elections as much as possible.

“Each class got to vote on the candidates based on their manifesto, which they have been presenting to the class over the last week. The kids loved it.

“My current Year 6 councillors checked each child and adult in and gave them their voting slip, which they took to the polling booth to vote in secret. This was then posted into the ballot box.

“They are also helping me to verify and count the votes.”

The school council represents pupils from Year 1 to Year 6 and meetings are held throughout the year.

The council decide which charities the school supports throughout the year.

Mrs Hoeb added: “The whole school has an opportunity to pitch to the council about why their charity is worthy.

“The councillors also listen to their peers and take ideas to the meetings which has led in the past to extra playtime equipment, safer bicycle racks and toy exchanges.”