“Fixing the bins”, filling potholes and delivering a long-delayed housing plan are top of the agenda for the Basildon Conservative Party in the lead up to the elections.

The party is fielding candidates in every ward of the borough ahead of all-out elections on May 2 and has revealed its manifesto as it looks to retain control of the party.

After coming under fire over the overhaul of Basildon bin collections in November, which saw new wheelie bins introduced alongside recycling sacks, the party has insisted it will “fix” the issue to prevent rubbish piling up on the borough’s streets.

The party claims the changes made to waste and recycling collections “were necessary”, but they recognise not every aspect has worked and the white and blue recycling sacks will be “revisited”.

Andrew Baggott, party leader, said: “We will continue to listen to residents and work with them to make this borough, a better borough.

“We have got to revisit the white and blue bags as it is getting windier, and you can’t enforce people if you haven’t given them the right tools to do a job.

“We we will work with residents to provide an exceptional service.

“Everything we put last time we have delivered on, and we will do the same this time.

“We will continue to be strong on law and order, and ensuring a law-abiding community that people feel safe to walk around.

“We will also continue to drive health agenda so residents can be healthy, and I look forded to the Community Diagnostic Centre in Pitsea, and new facility in the Eastgate Centre.”

The Conservative manifesto also says it will “fix the roads” by demanding more investment from Essex County Council and Central Government.

The party has also promised to deliver a local plan “that works” and “protects the green belt” across the borough, as well as opposing tower blocks in the town centre.