SOUTHEND Saxons centre Chris Vaughan is still struggling to comprehend the fairytale finish to his career.

After 17 seasons playing for the club, Vaughan has opted to hang up his boots.

But the 34-year-old went out in style on Saturday by scoring a try in Southend’s 35-26 win against Northampton Old Scouts at Twickenham.

And he still cannot quite believe it actually happened!

“It still hasn’t really sunk in that my last game of rugby was at Twickenham,” said Vaughan.

“I couldn’t think of a better way to finish.

“It was such a great experience and it was nice I could share it with my family who have supported me so much over the years.”

Vaughan’s try came courtesy of a short range finish after winger Tom Ramsey had been stopped just shy off the line.

And it made the afternoon even more memorable for Vaughan.

“It’s something I will never forget,” said Vaughan.

“I don’t score many tries so I definitely wasn’t expecting to get one at Twickenham.

“It was only from about a foot away from the line but I’m sure over the years that distance is going to grow.”

Vaughan’s try helped to make sure of a 25th successive victory for Southend.

But he admitted it was from straight-forward, It was a really tough game,” said Vaughan.

“They was a quality side so we really had to work for it.

“Every time we made a slight mistake they punished us so it was a great win.”